My advice is to read the forum daily, at least every night before bed, I have learned so much by doing this. Good luck on your little guy, you are at the right place to learn all about them.
I would definitely have to agree on the adventure part. Today we spent quite a bit of time outside and Stryker kept opening his mouth at me, then I went inside and watched him and he was still doing it. He has never opened it at me before so I jumped on here to ask why. Before starting a thread...
Thanks for asking this, I have a pregnant wife as well and she is a nurse and is always telling me she or our kids better not get salmonella poison. I am always telling her to relax.
I have the same light and I have not experienced this. I am sure you are but just a question. I have a mistking but I still spray Stryker down with my hand mister at least three to four times a week. I pay special attention to his eyes ensuring that he bulges them and rolls them around. This is...
Nice set ups, wish my Stryker could spend more time outside. I am guessing those plants are fake? I would like to set up something similar for my little guy. Can I ask where you got them from?
Kat I have your Sir Georges brother, Stryker from the same hatch. Here is the two post I made of him, they include other members that have Kandiroo babies.
I am glad to hear that it looks like everything will come out alright (pun intended), I would like to see pics, especially since I am looking at buying a sambava baby right now or in the near future.
My lights come on at 6, first mist happens at 6:30. I feed at 7 and lights go off at 7. There was a post a week back or so where someone posted the lighting schedule by month to most reflect their natural schedule. If I remember right it was 13 hours during the summer then a few months of 12 and...
I did ask Bruce what the 5 was, its a way he marks them. We named him Stryker, he is 5 months old this week. He just had his first shed since we have had him the other day. You can see his new colors here.
I can't believe how much...
Thanks, he just shed for the first time since I have had him last week. I put him outside and that was the most orange I have ever seen him get. Before that he did look like this a few times.
This is the first...
You can raise Dubia Roaches, they are really easy to breed and raise your own food. I just started raising my own, so for now I am stuck getting stinky crickets from the pet store. I still will have to order silk worms and super worms however the roaches are so easy that for around $100 I will...
I have done saltwater fish and corals for years, I can tell you that this is much easier. As far as what kind, that I can't tell you. I went with a panther due to the fact I love their coloring. I would recommend doing lots of research first, this site is great for that and so are all the...