My seven month old Cham that I just got from a show is expelling salt from its nostrils, but not blocking them. My question is how can I lower the salts in its diet, and if this could be a sign of something else ie. an upper res. infection?
my petco is selling cages for a huge discount right now. I bought 2 new cages for 50 each. I am in utah and im not sure if its nation wide but its worth looking into.
I agree. artificial light can be bad if there is to much of it. if your worried that there is to little light after that give him real light, he cant get to much of that.
My vet told me that taking them outside daily in the summer for about thirty minutes (supervised) does wonders for them. He said that 30 mins in the sun (not behind glass), is like 8 hrs under a uv bulb. I say this because your feeding him a lot and his body might not be able to keep up without...
Move slowly, and try mot to constrict him or grab him from above. You want to approach like you would a bird, meaning put your hand under him and lift gently. he should step on you at least to try and get away.