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  1. M

    Flapneck Eating leaves?

    Do flapnecks eat greens? Or are they strictly insectivores? There are what looks to be bite marks out of some of the leaves of my plants. I was under the impression that they didn't eat greenery?
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    How to get him to cup feed?

    Ivan is a 5 inch flapneck chameleon. He will only eat crickets so far, I've had him for I dunno, a month maybe. Anyway, he will only free feed and its kind of annoying because it makes it difficult to know how much he is eating. He doesn't like to eat in front of me, so I put a few crickets...
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    Chameleons and natives

    Just writing about things here, not trying them lol. I would never do anything to hurt Ivan (my flap neck)! My thesis is that indigenous cultures normally either have taboos surrounding certain reptiles, or have customs surrounding them (such as in brazil using the golden tegu for medicinal...
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    Chameleons and natives

    thank you!
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    Chameleons and natives

    Does anyone know of or can anyone point me in the directions of articles pertaining to chameons (any) and native peoples and their beliefs, interactions and taboos that they may have around the chameleons? Preferably scholarly articles. And anything to do with collection of chameleons for the...
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    Afraid of worms?

    Ivan, a 5 inch flap neck chameleon seems to be afraid of superworms and mealworms. I tried offering some and he puffed up and turned colors. His last owner only fed him crickets. I'm trying to find a local source for other insects, but at the moment only have access to crickets, mealworms and...
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    Kammer Cages

    Oh I like these cages! Would be much easier to find a sink to fit these onto than the 24" deep ones!
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    I just saw him drink out of the "little dripper" YAY! edit: AND HE JUST ATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!! The few day hunger/drinking strike is over phew!
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    I put him in the shower for about half an hour. He didn't really like it, but definitely seemed better afterwards. I also got a misting system from the pet store. A mist king is on the to buy list, but I was worried and wanted one today so just got one from the pet store. I also got a...
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    Just got my first

    I haven't seen him poop. As of today he hasn't eaten in a few days. I just got a misting system from the petstore (I know not the best brand but its what I could get asap) he already seems a bit happier. I also put him in the shower on his plant for half an hour (in the mist, not the direct...
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    Will This Work?

    Thanks for the replies I will look for those stores.
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    Its only been with room temperature water, I will fill the spray bottle with hot water and see if he likes that better.
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    Thanks for your quick reply, I will try not to freak out lol. He doesn't LOOK dehydrated to me, his eyes look good not sunken or anything so hopefully he is drinking when I am not around. A large enclosure is in the planning stages, in a month or two he will have a 24"X24"X48" enclosure. This...
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    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Flap Neck Chameleon, 4 to 5 inches long, male, have had him for 3 or 4 days Handling - Held him once to take pictures Feeding - So far he has only eaten crickets, ate 2 a day and the last 2 days (today and yesterday) has not eaten at all...
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    Rare Question!

    I am new to chams, but not new to reptiles. Most lizards eat their sheds, its normal and fine for them.
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    Will This Work?

    Thanks =) Any idea where to find a sink+cabinet that is big enough. I went to lowes today to check things out and they are all like 18" wide (deep), they are long enough but not wide enough. There was one that was 20" I think, I guess maybe if it overhangs that is ok, but I would rather it...
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    Will This Work?

    I am planning out Ivan's adult cage, he is a flap neck chameleon. I am going to get him a 24"X24"X48" (bigger than needed but after him I want a panther, hopefully years away). I am going to order the aluminum cage from LLLReptile, and the water catch tray thing. For drainage I was thinking...
  18. M

    Hand or cup feeding?

    Currently what I have is just worms in a deli cup, I have been free feeding the crickets. I am going to make one of the feeders similar to the one you posted to put crickets and worms in and see if he uses that better.
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    Hand or cup feeding?

    OK thanks, so just don't feed him free range and he will get hungry enough? I was worried about him not eating for a few days, but that is ok if it takes that long? At what point should I step in and offer them how I normally have been? Like should I offer them if he hasn't eaten out of the...
  20. M

    Hand or cup feeding?

    How do I teach my flapneck to either eat out of my hand or out of a cup? Do I just only offer food that way and eventually he will get hungry enough to eat it? I keep superworms in a shallow deli cup up in the branches, he has yet to eat any. He has only eaten crickets and only when I have...
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