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  1. P

    An Update on Petrie - veiled cham

    :)A while ago I was on here with so many questions about Petrie and how to care for him. Just wanted everyone to know Petrie is a healthy growing male, and has had no problems. He's about 12inches head to tail and around a year old! I cant post any pictures currently but his colors are amazing...
  2. P

    Please help

    So my male veiled chameleon is doing something some what strange. He will go towards the bottom of his cage and almost "dig" out mulch and reveals the white bottom of the cage. I know what your thinking, and I assure you Petrie is not a female. He has large spurs, as well as a vets opinion...
  3. P

    Slowly Eating Less and Less

    if someone would please assist me just wanna know around what age veiled should begin esting every other day
  4. P

    Slowly Eating Less and Less

    I know that eventually veiled chameleons eat about 7 crickets every other day. Petrie is slowly eating less and less, just a week or so ago he could eat twenty crickets a day in two sittings if I gave them to him. I know I haven't really given you much info about him, but I assure you he is...
  5. P

    Petrie isnt happy

    another question I have my own room, but I found a better spot that is higher up and keeps his eye level above people. But i do have another question; will he be able to sleep if i turn his lights but have my room light on?
  6. P

    Petrie isnt happy

    I recently moved back to college and brought my veiled Petrie, back home people would come look at him, mist him, and feed him, nut not ever handle him because he tries to hide or get away when hands are in his cage. In my new room people will be will be around a lot more frequently. How is the...
  7. P

    URGENT: Moving my Veiled Today

    you guys are awesome haha. Yes the water dish just got taken out too haha. his humidity NEVER drops below 50 regardless of time and situation. when he drinks he prefers to hang from the top of the cage and catch ice drippings, so I will continue that as well as keep spraying. so Olympia, I feel...
  8. P

    URGENT: Moving my Veiled Today

    So here is my plan, please let me know if it is not sufficient. I am going to cover his enclosure with dry towels and his side by the window I will put card board over so he cannot see the road and blocks the most light, that way it is darker within his enclosure. I want to keep him in it...
  9. P

    URGENT: Moving my Veiled Today

    to start thank you so much for replying. the ride will be relatively smooth (all highway nice vehicle), and I will drive like I have a newborn without a car seat lol. I think for his sake I am going to keep him in his cage, cover it with towels, and then just buckle him in. So in all honesty is...
  10. P

    Please help I'm really worried

    I am a new veiled owner, but I have heard that by the time they show illness you cant do much at all. You cant blame yourself it seems to me that you put a passion into helping him. Don't give up on chameleons, you have the drive and would make a fine owner.
  11. P

    Please help I'm really worried

    I too apologize for the loss. I couldn't even imagine losing Petrie (even though he is one stubborn veiled). I did not see that he had passed and now feel completely rude and inconsiderate to try and get my solution.
  12. P

    Please help I'm really worried

    I think it is great how much you are invested into helping this cham (the person above me). I know this is a medical emergency but I cant seem to get any response to my forum. if anyone could look at it and give me a reply, after this cham's problem is solved of course. thank you...
  13. P

    URGENT: Moving my Veiled Today

    I have a 3-6 month old veiled chameleon named Petrie, he's the coolest pet I have (besides the fact that he does not like humans lol), but that is besides the point. I am going to school today that is roughly 2.5 hours away. He does not get on my hands and therefor I am hesitant to put him in a...
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