I noticed a small bump developing on my chams face between his nose and eyes. It has grown to the shown size and has remained the same in color/shape. I dont know if this was from a cricket bite or what, but it has been on him for over a month now.
Any ideas/suggestions?
I have tried the other day for over 5-10 min to get him onto my hand or a stick. He just freaks out and attacks, puffs up, and tries to run when I approach him. As for leaving the cage open, I can try.. but I doubt he will try to come out on his own.. and if he does, he I dont see why he wont...
OK, so my cham is about 1 yrs old. i have been trying to mist him in the shower overy couple to few weeks for hydration and so I can really clean out his cage. in the past few months, he has become very hostile and territorial. If I stick my hand in his cage slow or fast he puffs up and snaps at...
My cham is doing well, getting bigger, eating, shedding, etc. Recently, I have noticed he is losing some of his nails. The two times I noticed for sure was during handling (I wear gloves now because his sharp nails hurt!) The one occurrence, I noticed his hand had a small blood bubble where a...
My veiled is a MALE for sure. He has the small spurs on the back of his feet.
The vet said I can give the injections at home I feel comfortable... but I'd rather let the expert be sticking needles in my cham.
Great news all!!
I followed up with the vet for a second Baytril injection. Yoshi has become very active, the wheezing and breathing noises have stopped, and his appetite has better than I've ever seen. He doesn't sleep much during the daytime hours anymore, and his eyes are WIDE open, no...
I just took him to an exotic reptile vet last night. He confirmed that it is definitely a respiratory infection. He did say there were no signs of dehydration(which is a relief). He injected an antibiotic called Baytril. He would like to do it every few days until my cham seems...
Veiled Cham - 7 month old Midget with URI?
Cage - Black full-screen cage, probably 2h x 2w x 1d
Lighting - heat lamp, just upgraded to a 100w from a 75w. I was keeping the UV light on for at least 12 hrs/day. The heat lamp varied, but averaged at less than 10 hours/day. I recently upped the...