@absolutbill: come to think of it, yes I had boughten some crickets out of Petco about a week before she started acting different. My Panther Cham also had some of the same crickets but he's still being himself. Maybe there was an ill cricket :(
I did have a good reaction today after she lay...
Thank you everyone for your help. Today she continues very weak. I've filled out the form that everyone has suggested I do. I also tried the warm water shower method that absolutbill suggested and she did not drink so I made a hammock under her heated lamp to warm her up after the shower. She...
Yes, she is dehydrated now since she won't eat nor drink so the only water going in is what I'm putting in through her teeth. I will fill out the form ASAP. Thank you
I have a 2 yr old female veiled chameleon that has spiraled down these last couple of days. There is no vet that will see reptiles around here. I have minimal experience with chameleons so I'm trying my best in trying to save her. She has refused to eat and will not drink water either. She has a...