Okay so it probably started like a week ago, she like keeps crawling on her branch, and sometimes wouldn't even lift her body up... And she was sleeping and taking naps in the day..
Well tonight she just fell off her branch, she was laying horizontally.. And she didn't even get up.. And I went...
No there is no basking light... We had a basking light and another light bulb together at one point, but the woman at PetSmart said that it would be too hot for my chameleon, so we just have the one 5.0 UVB, but it doesn't seem hot at all. I even touched the light bulb once and it wasn't even...
My female 5 month old veiled chameleon seems to be very stressed out in her enclosure all the time and she gets her patterning but as soon as she's on her cat palm plant outside of her cage, she is a light green color. Could someone let me know if there's something wrong with her enclosure...
I just took my 4 month old veiled chameleon out of her shower/bath with her plant, and when I took her out I put her in her enclosure, and there was this stuff on my hand, maybe from her?. It looks like its stained on, dried liquid... Has this happened to anyone else before??
Let me know...
My local PetSmart told me that my veiled chameleons lamp needs to be on for an hour before she starts eating.. Is this true?? I got her on the 25th, and I've been waking up at 5 am to turn on her lamp and then waking back up at 6 & giving her around 6 crickets and some mealworms. I've been...
No I don't... I could get one tomorrow morning and get back to you
If this helps this is her with her eyes open
Yeah I was about to turn out the lights cause it's her bedtime, yes she was sleeping, this is a photo of her with her eyes open yesterday
Does she look dehydrated? Or unhealthy? Please let me know...
Here's a picture of her asleep right now on her cat palm plant next to her enclosure:
Do her eyes look sunken in to you? I mist her plants a lot and I've seen her lap up the...
Thought this was kind of weird....
Those are my chameleons feet, they're like two different colors and looks like weird and not like other chameleons feet... Do you think there could be anything wrong with them?
Thanks a lot