Have a veiled chameleon, her name is Cameron, and I want to be able to hold her. She already comes to the edge of the tank when I come near it, expecting food and she does eat out of my fingers. But she does get that weird coloring whenever I try to touch her, and sometimes she hisses at me...
He y'all I have been trying to keep my chams cafe at about 80 and her humidity at 80-90% but every time I mist it brings down the temp and when I try to bring the heat back up (it takes a while) it's humidity goes down! I trying to keep it balanced but it's been difficult
Hey y'all I'm new with chameleon and my veiled girl got a white like patch I don't know if she is just shedding or what (she could be getting to close to the heat lamp. Also she doesn't have a name so if y'all could help me name her that would be good