The is something wrong with my Mo. He has had this peice of skin from his last shed stuck on his top ridge of his back for some time....thought nothing of that its coming off, and his dorsal scales are coming with it. They look like they are brittle and shriveled. There is a bunch...
Thanks guys!
Julirs, thats exactly what I was thinking when posting these photos. Nowhere else would people not be revolted by dangling bug parts LOL
Jenstar, I link the photos from my website instead of as attachements.
Thank you for your comments on my artwork, they are much appreciated!
I havent been too active lately here due to a recent surge of painting :D
Here are my latest from my Costa Rica collection, I hope you'll like them!
Thanks for taking a look,
Yeah, right there on your chin.....
That disembodied super head contined to spin and dangle for awhile, and continued to wriggle after it finally fell off for a minute!!! GAH!