My little man has been doing this for about two weeks now. Been to the vet and reckons it may be a change of season thing. Aggression moving into spring etc. Have got baytril in case, seems to be drinking alot and still eating but his behaviour is different. Has done it before but was fine...
So still 14/14 and eating me out of home. Friendly little ones, my son sometimes has 6-7 on his hands as they just want to explore, always reaching to us for some playtime :)
I searched your post yesterday to see what had happened. I am glad to hear that you got most of them back. I hope they are doing better now. Now just the last few. Amazes me what people do for a quick buck.
So, the babies are having there first day out in the sun!! All looking great and man I love them to bits. They ate so spoilt already, now I know how a grandad feels. :D