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  1. L

    Veiled girl only ate one time after laying?

    I felt her belly (as much as I could without getting bitten) and it seems pretty flat and hollow :). I put her in the shower the next day after laying, and she's drinking although not very thirstily. Her eyes are bulgy and healthy. She did just eat one more cricket, so she might just need more...
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    Veiled girl only ate one time after laying?

    So my veiled successfully laid her first clutch two days ago (yay!) the clutch was a total of 36 plump eggs. She dug right to the bottom of the bucket, layed her eggs, crawled back out and covered the dirt over them and made the surface unbelievably flat! I covered her cage with sheets and she...
  3. L

    Accidentally gave my girl a too-small laying container :(

    Thank you for the links. I recently rescued her and the previous owner did not ever have a laying bin in her enclosure. I adopted her two months ago when she was about 8 months old or so and she hadn't displayed any signs until yesterday.
  4. L

    Accidentally gave my girl a too-small laying container :(

    She seemed very stressed being out of her cage so I dashed to the store and bough a 2 gallon bucket and stuck it in her cage with her. She no longer seems interested in digging, will she pick back up later?
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    Accidentally gave my girl a too-small laying container :(

    I removed her from the bowl and stuck her in a 5 gallon bucket outside of her cage as it was far too big for her cage. Will she be okay like this? She seems pretty mad lol.
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    Accidentally gave my girl a too-small laying container :(

    If she ends up not laying in this bowl, she would just stop digging, correct? Then I could swap it out with a much larger bowl that I just found lying around and she would continue digging?
  7. L

    Sexually frustrated bbap Cham

    Many times chams will be friendly and curious as babies, but once they reach sexual maturity and are adults they become more moody and grumpy. This isn't the case with all chams but it might be the case with your boy :).
  8. L

    Accidentally gave my girl a too-small laying container :(

    My veiled girl apparently is gravid despite the fact I haven't noticed any drastic change in color. She has recently been very restless, no appetite, and trying to dig in the bottom of her cage. So tonight I went out to the garage to get a 12in by 8in Tupperware container and it cracked when I...
  9. L

    Chameleon won't drink unless I force her?

    Okay, so I talked to her old owner and he said he never used a dripper, only misting -__-. So do you guys think she might not know how to use a dripper? I'm assuming she'll just learn by herself, even if she didn't know how.
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    Chameleon won't drink unless I force her?

    I really appreciate everyone's responses! I'll definitely give her more space so she can have some peace to get a good drink :). Thanks guys.
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    Chameleon won't drink unless I force her?

    Yes I am very well aware that she will become gravid and start laying, I already have a tub set aside and a 60/40 sand/soil mixture for when it happens :)!
  12. L

    Chameleon won't drink unless I force her?

    The thing is, I'm ALWAYS in the same room as her. I'm a stay at home spouse and recently I've been watching her like a hawk for any signs that she's hydrating herself and I haven't seen her do it not once. Maybe for the few minutes I have my back turned to fold laundry she does it and I'm just...
  13. L

    Chameleon won't drink unless I force her?

    I recently adopted a female Veiled from a US vet who was taking okay care of her, not prime care but it wasn't really a rescue either. She is extremely picky and won't drink dew off of the leaves in her 16in x 16in x 21in screen enclosure (upgrading to a larger one soon, this is what she came...
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