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  1. A

    Fallen chameleon. What do I do?

    Yeah I completely understand. My fault for making a second account in a panic for advice. She first saw a vet last Wednesday , then I took her back last Thursday for the MBD medication and my own thing of baytril. I rescued her from where I work. Chameleons are new to our stores and other...
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    Fallen chameleon. What do I do?

    I have had her a week and she's been on calcium glubonate for a week. I'm more worried about the back/legs right now. She also has eye infections and a RI. She's been on meds for those and MBD since the day after I got her.
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    Fallen chameleon. What do I do?

    Yes, what kind of pictures will help? This is Smiley, but I couldn't remember my password and it logged me out- making a new account was faster than trying to figure out what email I made it with and all that. How she's keeping her legs. Left. Right. Dorsal. I feel like an...
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    Fallen chameleon. What do I do?

    So today I put my veiled out in her enclosure and left to take a shower; when I was done, I went to get her, but found her on the bottom of the cage. I picked her up, and immediately noticed she wasn't acting right or using her back legs. I started to see if she had sensation in them and BAM...
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