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  1. jpetrou

    Help with Lighting in my fem veiled cage

    Hey I'm new to chams as well but everything I have seen as far as heat bulbs are concerned always lean towards using an incandescent bulb (regular light bulb). If you have already purchased the fixture, maybe you should consider a bulb that has a larger spectrum for plant growth. In the end, you...
  2. jpetrou

    Feeder sites

    Thanks, I did get a chance to check out and it really does look great. My main concern is that I will have too many of the bugs die on me, especially now that it's really cold here in nj.
  3. jpetrou

    Feeder sites

    Hey everyone! So I have had my Cham for about a couple months. He is about 11 months old. So far I haven't had any problems with any hunger strikes (thank god) but I do want to give him a more varied diet. I checked a lot of the info posted here in the forums and seen some feeder suppliers in...
  4. jpetrou

    You know your addicted and have it real bad when...

    When you find yourself researching everything all over again to make sure your cham is as happy as can be. When you hear of a big snow storm coming, instead of getting gas or food for yourself, you make sure you are stocked up on worms and crickets. When you remember to gut load your...
  5. 20141229 132243

    20141229 132243

  6. jpetrou

    You know your addicted and have it real bad when...

    When the power goes out in your room and you run an extension cord from a different part of the house just to keep the lights on.
  7. 20141229 132321

    20141229 132321

  8. Jack


    Pictures of Jack, the veil chameleon
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