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  1. emmadavies

    design masterminds

    im planning on getting a wooden vivarium myself but was wondering whats the best sealant i could use for the inside thats not harmful to pets?
  2. emmadavies

    what colours do your male veiled chams have?

    love the link... love the completey different coloured ones... my man is growing so big since that very first pic i put up at the start of this thread. out of curiosity at what age do they show all there colours and became a mature adult? here he is at 6 1/2 months
  3. emmadavies

    what colours do your male veiled chams have?

    beautiful stunning colours...
  4. emmadavies

    what colours do your male veiled chams have?

    all of these guys and gals are amazing looking. cant wait to see what my guy looks like once he has matured :)
  5. emmadavies

    what colours do your male veiled chams have?

    love the variations... hope my boy will look as handsome as these guys!!
  6. emmadavies

    what colours do your male veiled chams have?

    This is my nearly 6 month old male veiled cham called Loki.....Recently i have been noticing brighter colours on him (blue), in small spot form on his bars. I was just wondering do veiled chams come in many different colours? and lets see some different pics of the variations :)
  7. emmadavies

    reptibreeze advice

    sorry to come in on this thread but i also have a reptibreeze cage and have covered three sides with hard plastic. i was just wondering how you manage your drainage with this cage as ive had to put an automatic mister in as well as a dripper to keep humidity up (im in northern ireland). my...
  8. emmadavies

    Do your chameleons nap?

    exact same thing happened to me last night...glad to hear its normal :)
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  12. emmadavies

    Drinking in front of me

    I must be very lucky. I've only had my baby male veiled a week and I have seen him drink loads of times and I have even held the dripper tubing at him and he has drank from it while I held it. Must be the way he was reared since hatching id say...he is even very comfortable making himself at...
  13. emmadavies

    How old does she look?

    I have one of similar size and he is just over 4 months old
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  15. Love my wee man Loki

    Love my wee man Loki

  16. emmadavies

    can you put a veiled in a shallow bath??

    I'm also from the uk, well N.Ireland, and I was struggling getting a different variety of food from any pet stores here. I went on and I was able to get everything I needed and it only took two days to come. I def recommend this company and I will be using them...
  17. emmadavies

    My new wee man

    After my very tiny 3 month old baby veiled cham died due to ill health recently and the vet confirming that there was absolutley nothing i could do for him and that was the way he was born, i decided to try again and so here is my new 4 and a half month old male cham called Loki. What do you...
  18. emmadavies

    4 Month old veiled cham no appettite since ive had him

    Took him to the vets where he stayed all day. vet said it wasnt MBD and my husbandry was spot on. said it wasnt a blockage, no eye problems. said he was a bit dehydrated and gave him a wormer. he couldnt take blood samples as he was just too small. vet said he didnt see it necessary for him to...
  19. emmadavies

    4 Month old veiled cham no appettite since ive had him

    And I've just witnessed him throwing up!!! So glad we r going to the vets first thing. Poor wee man isn't well at all :(
  20. emmadavies

    4 Month old veiled cham no appettite since ive had him

    I just watched him going to the toilet, thinking he was going to do a poop and four big drops of clear with a speck of white liquid came out? I'm assuming this isn't normal?
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