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  1. H

    Weird bump on chameleon's head??????

    RasAsteroid- So what came out of all this? My guy has the same type thing going on reciently. I can't imagine it sticking around 7 months! It looks so uncomfortable. Tomahawg- what did the specialist say? any updates would be great
  2. H

    Metabolic Bone Disease

    My chameleon had MBD & looked like this back in May, but I saved his life by removing the plastic lined lid & also removed the plastic cover from the UV lamp. It can't get the vitamins through the glass or plastic. Also the vines & a larger lamp would do great things for your dear ol pal. My...
  3. H

    How can I save my dear friend with MBD?

    unfortunatly I think my vieled chameleon Yoda has a severe case of MBD. the hind legs look more broken then bowed & shakes like he's in pain when walking, & the eyes seem to be sunken in today more so than yesterday. & Yesterday I found him(her?) lying on the belly in the water dish. I wonder if...
  4. Member Album by hiei

    Member Album by hiei

  5. Yoda


  6. H

    How can I save my dear friend with MBD?

    My poor little chameleon is sick & I'm pretty sure it's MBD. He/She has all the symptoms for it & a schedualed vet appointment for Wed....6 days away is not soon enough! I can't seem to get in any earlier than that! UGH! I am so worried about her. She started to eat less & hide more & sleep a...
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