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  1. J

    Just Rescued a Veiled Chameleon

    oh wow...thanks again...loads of encouragement I appreciate it all of it, ok I will not put in the calcium in his water... But I am thinking of making it so he doesn't have to climb too much...I was just watching him climb up from feeding again...and his one front leg looks to be moving...
  2. J

    Just Rescued a Veiled Chameleon

    Well its he still moving around without any problems or falls and is eating, drinking and pooping on regular daily bases... as soon as his light comes on he goes right on up to his favorite basking spot. He also climbs right on to my hand when i go to get him... so far so good....oh yes be...
  3. Reignie - 6 months old

    Reignie - 6 months old

  4. Reignie = 6 months old

    Reignie = 6 months old

  5. Reignie - 6 months old

    Reignie - 6 months old

  6. Reignie


    Veiled Chameleon Rescued on Oct 24, 2014 with sever MBD approx. 6 months old
  7. J

    Just Rescued a Veiled Chameleon

    oh yes I decided since I enjoy my reptiles a lot...instead of purchasing them I decided I would take in rescues and spend the money in helping them... and nothing surprises anymore...I have learnt your can tell people over and over again but in the in the end you are just wasting your breath...
  8. J

    Just Rescued a Veiled Chameleon

    ok thanks I will be going to find some calcium today without the d3 and I will check on the top heat...I am going to switch him temporarily to another screen top tank that was for a leopard...but the question still remains if he makes it can he go into tall cage or will he have...
  9. J

    Just Rescued a Veiled Chameleon

    Ask for Help Form Here is some recommended information to include when asking for help in the health clinic forum. By providing this information, you will receive more accurate and beneficial responses. It might not be necessary to answer all these questions, but the more you provide the...
  10. J

    Just Rescued a Veiled Chameleon

    Thank you have all concluded what I had thought... yes the top is screen and as stated this is just temporary enclosure...for him his permanent one will be much more suited for him... I am using a Repti Glo 5.0 Compact Tropical Terrarium Lamp...but was wondering if I should go...
  11. J

    Just Rescued a Veiled Chameleon

    please remember this is just a temporary enclosure for him we are preparing for a bigger one for him... but I just picked him last night as the poor lady was worried we was going to die on her.
  12. J

    Just Rescued a Veiled Chameleon

    Oh and I am experienced with reptiles just have not had to deal with a chameleon with mbd yet and so young...want to make sure I am doing everything right.
  13. J

    Just Rescued a Veiled Chameleon

    this is the best I can get right now...trying to not stress the poor thing out anymore than it already is.
  14. J

    Just Rescued a Veiled Chameleon

    Hello... I just rescued a Veiled Chameleon about 6 months old, and I do not think he has ever had a UVB light on him with previous owner...someone was rooming at a place and left with out him...he looks to be showing signs of Metabolic Bone Disease his joints are all swollen and legs are looking...
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