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  1. On her free range branches. (time to hit the hay!)

    On her free range branches. (time to hit the hay!)

  2. Close-up of my sleepy girl.

    Close-up of my sleepy girl.

  3. Front view of her sleeping.

    Front view of her sleeping.

  4. Samba <3

    Samba <3

    My little girl, Samba.
  5. StarBlade


    Hey brownie64, just noticed you're in Marion, Indiana. I just drove through Marion two months ago! Should've stopped to say hi! lol
  6. StarBlade


    Welp, turns out she's about 4 months old! :p She's just shedding b/c of growth. Plus she's eating normally and she's never at the bottom of her cage. She shows no sign of being sexually mature either. So I guess it'll be a few months yet! She is active and looks very healthy too! :D
  7. StarBlade


    I use coconut fiber.
  8. StarBlade


    She is about 7 months. Since I got her at Petsmart, I have no exact age though. She has not been at the bottom of her cage at all, actually. She eats normally, usually eating 7-8 waxworms and 1-3 crickets a day. And will this work as a egg laying bin?
  9. StarBlade


    Yeeeaahh.... I kinda figured they knew squat. One guy at Petco said they lay eggs in water! lol At that point I knew they had no clue.
  10. StarBlade


    So does she look like she has eggs? :confused:
  11. StarBlade


    I have no idea if my girl, Samba is full of eggs or not. She seems a bit lazier than usual and she looks a bit fat. In the pics below, she is probably dark because she gets pissed at my iPad. :p But if anyone can help me find out if she needs help or not, please let me know. And if she does...
  12. StarBlade

    My new (and first) chameleon, Samba!

    Hello everyone! I'm new here, and I just thought I would share my new friend with you guys! She is a veiled chameleon named Samba. I named her that because when I got her, she seemed like she was doing a little samba dance! :) She's a real sweetheart and loves to be held, surprisingly. So...
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