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  1. shinycham58

    My cham hates me

    right now I'm trying to make space
  2. shinycham58

    My cham hates me

    I don't have enough space for two cages:(
  3. shinycham58

    My cham hates me

    Yeah it's my other chameleon Rango who's scratching her
  4. shinycham58

    My cham hates me

    If had her since last year's Christmas
  5. shinycham58

    My cham hates me

    she actually calmed down. I was watching Fantasia 2000 and after that she was really nice. I think she gets too grumpy in the morning and evening. Silly chameleons:)
  6. shinycham58

    My cham hates me

    Pic This is a picture of her if it works
  7. shinycham58

    My cham hates me

    My veiled chameleon,Prisma, hates me. Eveytime I hold her she starts hissing and making herself appear larger. What can I do?:(
  8. shinycham58

    Help!Veiled was shedding

    thank you :)
  9. shinycham58

    Is she gravid?

    it kind of looks like it . can you get a photo from the side
  10. shinycham58

    Help!Veiled was shedding

    My veiled chameleon,Rango, he shed yesterday and I sprayed him every once in a while then today I saw that his whole tail hasn't been shed. Should I be worried?Please help:(
  11. shinycham58

    Help! She's turning black!

    I would suggest a vet visit
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