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  1. P

    Sick panther chameleon please help

    Such helpful advice. Thanks
  2. P

    Sick panther chameleon please help

    Don't mind her in my hand she was being put back safely on her vine at that moment
  3. P

    Sick panther chameleon please help

    How do I add pictures. Based on the pics I have seen of mbd it looks to be that aswell. She is currently not eating. Is there a way to force feed her? If so steps would be helpful. The uvb buoy is 6 months old exactly. However based on the bulbs instructions it is good for a year. Natural...
  4. P

    Sick panther chameleon please help

    Based on what I've read I think it mbd. If anyone could help me on how to start fixing that it would be great. The fall was from about 2 feet found her just laying on the ground. Again this am I woke up to her on the ground. And no eggs are out of the question she's far to snall
  5. P

    Sick panther chameleon please help

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon: Panther chameleon. 8 months old female Handling:Rarely. Much more recently due to problems Feeding:Crickets & superworms. Apx 20 crickets and 5 worms a week. She doesn't eat a lot normally Supplements:Calcium dust w d3 biweekly. Watering:Mist with misting...
  6. P

    Male or female ?

    My guess is female but would like to confirm
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