He's gotten a lot better now. He lets me handle him, but its a process. My panther is way easier. I gave my veiled a large dubia as a treat and he ate it. I'm glad he's ok and hope he forgot what happened. They are hard to gain trust from my experience. Thank you all for your reply made me feel...
I went home for lunch and noticed there is a branch that is about to fall so I tried to get my Veiled off the branch and put him back in his enclosure with some food-- when I tried grabbing him he wouldn't let go and he usually does and the branch and the chameleons was about to fall and I think...
Hi, Thank you for the reply.
I will come up with a better blocker and make their enclosure higher.
Will any of them ever come closer to each other's reach distance? They always keep their distance-- if they can get close to eachother with out them noticing I'll move them physically (in the...
I have this setup below and tonight is the only night when I noticed
both my chameleon over on the branch sleeping quiet close to each other, what's the safe distance? They sleep in their enclosure and sometimes my panther will sleep on the branch and the plants block their view from each...
Mad skittish in 8 weeks -- baby Panther. Thanks for reading-- I was told by a senior chameleon member not to handle a baby Chameleon too much because they need 6-8 months to make thicker skin and they are fragile, everything is moving delicately inside and they are scared when they are young and...
Baby Bush
Someone told me that before-- they don't seem to mind but I'm going to take your advice and elevate the enclosure. I did notice the little one gets strange when he's in his enclosure-- making it high would be better. ty.
I got mine from Petco and it's the worst place to buy a Chameleon. They also don't carry them so they kept one from their Reptile show near Richmond, VA --- When I found out they had it, I felt terrible and took him home for $300.
http://screameleons.com/ is great- they are a sponsor on this...
Sh*t and da*mn-- I don't have the room. I will have to work out a blocker. As you can see from the pictures above that my room is already setup. I have a 2BR apartment and I dedicated one to my pets.
I do have places in my house that can facilitate a parrot. But I put my Chameleon next to the...