Automated misting systems are great if you can afford them. If not I suggest one of the simple manual pump sprayers (not the squeeze bottles).
some alternatives to mistking.
Hello Ezhno :)
Very nice Brad. I can see very faint orange bars i think. And some green areas too. Its like a mystery with him being a cross. Hope to see more pics soon.
That would be great. Thanks.
Ive done a lot of reading on jacksons not much info on different colors. Maybe the colors come out only when breeding? I also heard there is a dwarf jackson that might have more color? Thanks for the link. They have a lot of different...
Hello everyone
I have decided on a jacksons chameleon. I have had a veiled for a couple years now and what to try a new one. The horns look really cool I think. Some pics I see jacksons with nice blue/green/yellow colors. Other times they are more green/black. I would like to purchase a...
Im about to start on a new cage setup. What are some good ways to create humidity? I know a live plant will help, but I would rather not use a live plant. I have used them before and the bugs they attract can become a problem. I am thinking of getting a panther or jacksons chameleon.
I have no confidence in my building skills so I bought my cage. I wanted it to look good. Has anyone used the Reptarium? I saw a big one at petsmart the other day. Wondering if they would be good for chameleons. The screen openings seemed kind of small. Also what about the oceanic lizard...
I never even heard of people using silkworms until I read this. Nice article. Im going to give this a try. My wife would love to lose the noisy crickets. Even though I keep them outdoors the noise still bothers her. What company does everyone order from?
Im also looking for some good chameleon breeders. I currently own a veiled that I bought from a local reptile show a couple years ago. Im interested in a panther or jacksons chameleon. I have seen a couple breeders after doing a google search, but I would really like to hear from people that...