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  1. D

    I need help

    I did a lots of researches online and I also bought a book about chameleons but the problem is that I watch a YouTube Chanel about chameleon setup and one of the bulbs that they use was a 100watt bulb with a 165 GALLON TANK and I did the same as they but with the cantina. About the info of the...
  2. D

    I need help With what i feed him!
  3. D

    I need help vitamins
  4. D

    I need help

    My cage Bulbs and lamp!
  5. D

    I need help

    During the day the temperature inside the cage is 102 Fahrenheit and during the night is around 90 is that ok for a Cham? Since I bought this cham I put all the powders in different days for example I have reptitive with d3 on Monday feed him with that, on Tuesday I feed him with out d3 repti...
  6. D

    I need help

    Can you give me the exact name of the powders!? I feed him with reptitive with d3, repashy superfoods chameleon calcium plus and repti calcium without d3. I since I had him I put different powder every day expect for one day that I didn't put any powder! What do you recommend me to do?? By the...
  7. D

    I need help

  8. D

    I need help

    I bought my chameleon 10 days ago from lllrpetile, he's a baby veiled. 8 days ago, he was really active eating and moving around like a normal Cham... But like 2 to 3 days ago he's weird with eyes like falling asleep and kind of weak :( . It really scare me because I been really careful with...
  9. D

    I need help

    help me pls! I think of my chameleon is sick. hes very sluggish since two days ago and his eyes are like hes falling asleep.. what do i need to do? Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message Quick reply to this message
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