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  1. Birdy

    Veild Cham

    Hey guys, I have successfully raised a male Jacksons and thought I was ready for a veiled. I got one 5 days ago now (3 month old male) and he doesn't appear to be doing well. I have a 75 watt but as well as a uvb bulb on the reptibreeze enclosure. I put crickets in, and they are disappearing, so...
  2. Birdy

    Baby veiled

    Yeah, sorry. The cage is 1ft wide X 1ft deep X 20inches tall
  3. Birdy

    Baby veiled

    Hey guys, I have successfully raised a male Jacksons and thought I was ready for a veiled. I got one 5 days ago now (3 month old male) and he doesn't appear to be doing well. I have a 75 watt but as well as a uva bulb on the reptibreeze enclosure. I put crickets in, and they are disappearing, so...
  4. Birdy

    Online Purchasing

    It was a young veild. He was bright green there and now that we are home he has turned very dark and isn't moving and is certainly not interested in eating. I think I can remember my Jacksons doing this for a very days... This is normal right?
  5. Birdy

    Online Purchasing

    I did go! When I got there the lady you were talking to had taken a break and I actually ended up talking to the people that owned this Panther! I bought a little male veild from them and then ended up talking to the lady for quite a while. She really knows her stuff and was very helpful. Thanks...
  6. Birdy

    Online Purchasing

    Do you guys have young veilds and panthers for sale?
  7. Birdy

    Online Purchasing

    Great! I live in Louisville so I'll definitely look the expo up. Do you have a link or anything? Thanks so much!
  8. Birdy

    Online Purchasing

    Does anyone have any experience/recommendations for buying chameleons online? I live in KY and the pet stores here really don't have any options. I am looking for a male veiled or a male Panther. Thanks for any and all help!
  9. Birdy

    New Cham

    I am a begginer chameleon owner. I've had a male Jackson's that I got when he was 2 weeks old and is now a healthy 8 month old. That is my entire experience with chameleons... But now I want to get a new one and almost got a new Jackson's but thought I might try a veiled or panther instead. What...
  10. Birdy

    My veiled chameleon hasn't eaten for 2 days

    I am guessing that he just needs time. My Jacksons did the same thing when I first brought him home.
  11. Birdy

    New Jackson- Male or Female?

    I am new to the chameleon world and am a lost. I purchased a baby chameleon and was told it was a few weeks old. I have done hours of research and have the habitat figured out I think, but need help determining the sex and species of my Jackson. I think it is a male, but am not sure. He/she is...
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