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  1. M

    October '05 Photo Contest

    I think anonymous is a good idea. Congrats Alex. chamgirl: I wanted to vote for your cham. very unique and nice looking. The reason I didnt was because I wanted to see a more natural looking background. I would enter the same cham in the next contest. I voted for the panther below the...
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    I've Lost Herbie

    I am very sorry to read about Herbie :(
  3. M

    Chat Feature: IRC?

    Im usually on irc but i missed the poll :rolleyes:
  4. M

    Small Birds

    Haha big bird :p This pic is amazing. Ive been away recently and missed this picture. Ive never seen or heard of chameleons eating birds!! WOW. Is the chameleon doing ok?
  5. M


    Hello Heika Nice little cham you got there :) What are you feeding that bad boy?
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    Shedding Time

    How long should it take a chameleon to shed? I have a jacksons chameleon that is about 4 months old. Ive seen him shed a couple times which took less than a day. He just finished shedding again but it took a couple days. My humidity is around 60%. Could that be the problem?
  7. M

    help! my chameleon is sick!

    He doesnt sound good. Without the help of a vet he may be to far gone. You can force feed using a syringe. Mix crickets and pedialite into mush and feed using a syringe into his mouth. Reptiaid might help temporarly. Dont think 24 hour lights would help. They need sleep.
  8. M


    ahhh ok I wasnt sure what you were talking about. Thanks for the pic :) How much does that raise your humidty?
  9. M

    Look at me (Shelby) now !!!

    She looks great! Also like that bamboo you have. Does she like it?
  10. M

    Silkworm Chow

    I thought it was just dehydrated mulberry leaves?
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    Light Location

    I see. That makes since. Going to change my setup =)
  12. M


    you just put in near the cage? how much does it raise humidity?
  13. M

    Light Location

    Where does everyone put their basking light? Shinning from the top or side of the cage? Most pics I see are of the light on top of the cage.
  14. M

    Can my chameleon hear me?

    Was playing some xbox with a friend and he said to turn the volume down cause my cham in next room sleeping. I thought chams couldnt hear but he didnt beleve me. Can they hear?:confused:
  15. M

    Hi all

    Hello neil nosey be :D It is good to have you here.
  16. M

    Help!! What is wrong here?

    Ive seen my cham do that but for not for very long at all. I think I saw it last time he shed. Should I be worried?
  17. M

    Question about pygmy's

    You keep these chams in aquariums? And what do you meen 1.3 as the max to keep together :confused:
  18. M

    post your fav cham

    Hard for me to decide to. I love the colors of panthers and some other chams. I also like the dinosaur like features of jacksons, brookesia and others. My current fav is probably the jacksons or the dward jacksons.
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    Another sick one

    I am not really qualified to comment on his health. He does not look good though. A visit to the vet can vary in cost depending on where you live and the type of vet you go to. A general vet will be cheaper than an exotic animal vet. Taking your cham to a vet in my area would be from...
  20. M

    What to feed baby chameleons??

    Wow. Were you expecting these? NEver hear of people using ants might be bad idea. The size of the food should be like the width of the chams head. Never had cham babies but I think people feed them fruitflies. Hopefuly others can help more. Might as well post more info on your setup like...
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