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  1. GavTheCham

    Veild at Petsmart

    Saw a similar situation at a petsmart in the Memphis area. I spoke to one of the girls working there and explained to her (at least what I knew from my own experiences) what was wrong. I didn't take a picture, but the veil was pretty badly bent and the front legs looked fractured. She did...
  2. GavTheCham


    I think I ever only made a thread once asking for advice on my veiled, Gavin, that ended up with MBD. I've been wanting to do this a while, I just haven't had time. I thought I would post an update and maybe get any more suggestions/advice anyone has. I have no problems with it and I'm still...
  3. GavTheCham

    I'm pretty sure it's MBD

    I hadn't thought of that. Thanks for the idea. He ended up eating a few anyway :)
  4. GavTheCham

    I'm pretty sure it's MBD

    Thanks, I didn't know that about the Sago Palm I had. :( I removed it last night, lowered the branches and placed a towel underneath. He was trying to eat crickets, but kept missing with his tongue. We tried hand feeding, but he just started hissing and trying to bite us instead of the crickets...
  5. GavTheCham

    I'm pretty sure it's MBD

    Thanks for the information. I'll look into this and make some changes.
  6. GavTheCham

    I'm pretty sure it's MBD

    Thanks for your reply. I will definitely be taking him to the vet soon. Also, do you know what kind of live plants would be good to have in there for him to get around him. And should I lower what branches he does have so that, in the case that he does fall, it'll lessen the impact?
  7. GavTheCham

    I'm pretty sure it's MBD

    Cool. Thanks, again .
  8. GavTheCham

    I'm pretty sure it's MBD

    Thanks. I'll definitely look into the tube UVB bulb . What kind of multi-vitamins would you suggest? Brand? are these any good?
  9. GavTheCham

    I'm pretty sure it's MBD

    New here. I was just reading up online about MBD in chameleons and came across a thread that suggested to start a new thread if this was the case (or something along those lines). Anyway, I wasn't going to, as I can imagine there are tons of threads discussing this topic, but I thought I'd give...
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