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  1. Jq4zd0


    Here is mine.
  2. Jq4zd0


    Good to know. Cammie is very sweet. She like to come onto my hand and then rubs her little head on my fingers. She is amazing.
  3. Jq4zd0


    Awesome! Never thought of that! Will have my husband rig something up today. Also, what live plants are best in cage? Live in Akron Ohio so I think we are limited
  4. Jq4zd0


    Thx. Cammie eats crickets and mealworms. She likes the mister. I have a drip system. Just gets the cage floor all wet. I am sure I am doing something wrong there. All this is new. We have had lots of animals over the years. This is our first reptile because my husband was never keen on them. I...
  5. Jq4zd0

    Plant Help

    Thx. Figured it out. I am new to forums and such. Hard to teach this grandma a new trick!! Thx again
  6. Jq4zd0


    Hi I am a new Chamaeleon owner and I just want to ask a question. It's probably a stupid question but I'm curious. My Chamaeleon will not drink from the drip system so I misther 3 to 4 times a day. I never see her drink off leaves. Is she getting enough water?? Thx
  7. Jq4zd0

    Plant Help

    I am so sorry, but I am a newbie. I would like to ask a few questions as I am a new Cham owner but cannot for the life of me figure out how to make a new post???
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