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  1. K


    he has a tube 5.0 uvb bulb as well as a haligen for heat. We had just replaced the bulbs shortly before his change in behavior. We change them every 6 month or if one burned out. He basks at the top of his cage which is 3" away from the top thats why his casque looks burned at the tip. His...
  2. K


  3. K


    I will try to get a more of a variety of bugs for him to munch. Being in Alaska we are at the mercy of the petstore as well I will double check the lighting and look for a bigger cage in the mean time. Thank you everyone fir your input it is really appreciated
  4. K


    I live in Alaska and have searched for a vet with no luck on a knowledgable one of chameleons. As for the diet I have tried to have him eat fresh veggies and fruits which he just lets sit there . I did clean out his cage with a diluted bleach solution and removed the ficus. His cask is the way...
  5. K


    Fergus is roughly a year and a half got him when he was small from a pet zoo. Lately he has been listless for about 2 weeks eating sparingly when he devours meal worms and wax worms dusted 1x a week with repticalcium and crickets gut loaded with cricket gel like crazy. About 7 wax 10 meal and i...
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