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  1. susheia

    I wanna see pics of your chams attitude!

    "watcha lookin at?!"-sir henry
  2. susheia

    Veiled chameleon food

    awesome! thanks for the advice... yes they are gutloaded but just the dry stuff. i have read the info on the caresheet too. working on gutloading them with fruits n veggies recommended. yeah i think he prefers live food too because i have placed a just a barely alive cricket and he didn't...
  3. susheia

    Veiled chameleon food

    just wondering if there is like a good website of where to purchase bugs too. from the petstores i only get live crickets and most of them die in a day or so...and just mealworms superworms. would love to give sir henry alternatives. they do have dried bugs at the store but i prefer live ones!
  4. susheia

    Veiled chameleon food

  5. susheia

    Veiled chameleon food

  6. susheia

    Veiled chameleon food

    Hi everyone! So I finally figured out how to post here, yay! So I have a veiled chameleon, got him from my husband last Christmas(big surprise!) but not sure how old he is. I would say around 3-4 months? Question is, I have been feeding him superworms and crickets, which I have dusted with...
  7. susheia

    New Cham mom worried about his eye

    Hello I am new here too...Still can't figure out how to post my own thread:( Anyway, I have a new veiled cham too! My husband surprised me with him last month, day before christmas, and I have noticed that he has been keeping his right eye closed a lot lately. I am new to the cham family he is...
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