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  1. J

    Full Broken Nail Help

    Thanks, it actually just fell off by itself. He seems fine still:)
  2. J

    Full Broken Nail Help

    So I noticed this morning that my chameleon has a nail that seems to be broken off, but it is still attached by the skin or something, I dont know wether I need to get the nail off or let it fall off. Also wether I need to get an ointment to prevent infection or something, if so what kind do I...
  3. J

    Veiled chameleon white face?

    No he has been like this even after shedding.
  4. J

    Veiled chameleon white face?

    Hey there, I have a rougly 5-6 month old veiled chameleon and he seems to be doing well however for the past week's I noticed his face is more pale than I see in pictures of other chameleons his age/size. I was curious if this is something I should be worried about, if so what can I do to dix...
  5. J

    Is my baby cham okay?

    I recently got a baby chameleon and as i am told he is about 4-5 months old right now. Ive noticed that after I come back from going to work he is often lying down usually not as extremely as these pictures but he is not standing. However when I play with him he is still very active. I am not...
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