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  1. Calcifer The Fire Demon!

    Calcifer The Fire Demon!

    This is Calcifer! My first Veiled Chameleon. He has a mellow personality and loves going outside for natural UVB!
  2. Misha

    Babies v. Stick Insects

    This is great!!! Thanks for sharing!
  3. Misha

    Burn or casque?

    He looks fine :) No burns that are visibly seen in your picture! Good looking veiled! And good colors!
  4. Misha

    Panther chameleon passed away and I dont understand what happened please help!

    Awwww :( I am so very sorry for your loss!!!
  5. Misha

    Power Wash

    Sometimes when Calcifer gets his dose of misting's he either takes it and stays still or he runs for the hills hahaha!! Cute pictures! Great shots!! (y):)
  6. Misha

    How to feed your chameleon?

    The crickets should not be any bigger then length between her eyes. That's usually the rule of thumb! And about 8-12 crickets is a good amount for when there babies. When they get older you will want to cut back. How often do you feed your chameleon? And how many are you putting in there if...
  7. Misha

    True Facts about Chameleon.

    :ROFLMAO::LOL:This was great!! Thanks for sharing!
  8. Misha

    Snails In The Mail

    Welcome!!! :love:(y):)
  9. Misha

    The award for slowest cham on earth goes to...

    Looks like he ran into a HUGE pack of silk worms hahaha!!! To cute!! :LOL::love:
  10. Misha

    Help me out ?

    If I'm not mistaken, I read something about this and read that they do that to regulate there body temperature if they get to hot. But don't quote me. I just read this somewhere bc my veiled chameleon Calcifer will do the same sometimes. Not often but he's done it. He even did it today so I hope...
  11. Misha

    Hi Everyone...Meet Zeus

    That's awesome! Good luck with him!! :love:
  12. Misha

    Fast food!

    haha so cute!! :LOL:
  13. Misha

    Calcifer eating potted Soil??

    I hope its just something he see that is interesting enough that he has to taste it out hahaha! So the Calcium Plus I can use daily? I have bin using ReptiCalcium without D3 as my source of Calcium but if I could get away with using the Calcium Plus daily then ill go with that! :)
  14. Misha

    Calcifer eating potted Soil??

    Yes he gets Calcium every day and the D3 twice a month and Vit A twice a month. So the product I was talking about since I am home now is the "Repashy Vitamin A plus" and the "Repashy Calcium Plus"
  15. Misha

    I'm pretty sure he loves me...

    Wow LMAOOO!!!! That's great!!! :ROFLMAO::LOL:
  16. Misha

    Calcifer eating potted Soil??

    I am feeding my crickets with Papya and greens plus a gutload powder from Rapashy (spelled it wrong but I'm at work so I can't read the bottle but I looked at the reviews for that product and people said nothing but positive things about it so I continue to use it along with fresh veggies and...
  17. Misha

    Calcifer eating potted Soil??

    Thank your for your response! I will definitely cover the soil with some big rocks! This is the first time I actually seen him eat it so I think I caught him in the act early so he don't eat it anymore lol!
  18. Misha

    Calcifer eating potted Soil??

    Oh ok, got ya! I will have to go out and get some and cover that up ASAP! Thanks! (y)
  19. Misha

    Life in my greenhouse...may be graphic to some. WARNING

    Your kindly welcome! :love: I have never seen that species before! Thank you for letting me know :)
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