I'm building my first cage so Harold can upgrade and wasn't able to get out this weekend so my dad decided he was gonna do everything without any research. He went to the hardware store and came back with pine posts and what looked like chicken fence. It's thin steel screen with about a half...
Thanks for the suggestions, my cham is 6-7 months old so he is getting medium to large crickets right now
I'll take a look at hornworms but I know for sure I can get superworms so I'll try those for start.
Yeah I did leave some in his cup for a couple hours. He came down to look but they...
I have a veiled who is around the same age and does the same thing. I have been told that if you grab them over their backs they can take this as a sign of agression. When I go to handle him I get him on his vine and then keep my hand just to the right of him. After like 30 seconds of hissing he...
Can some people please reccommend something I can feed to my veiled once in a while that he will like. He is on a strictly cricket diet right now and I tried wax worms but he had no interest at all. What else can I give him?
Here is a picture I got a few nights ago. I am guessing he is just dreaming or something but I'm not really sure because it happens a lot, but only while he is sleeping. During the day he is active and bright colored
I have a 6 month old Veiled named Harold. Lately I have noticed that while he is sleeping his casque and ridges above his eyes turn black like they are bruised. This is my first cham so I'm not sure if this happens to all of them or not.
Thanks for the help