Franquixote- The bin you linked to looks too shallow. If you are going to keep roaches or crickets in it, I would go with a taller one, one that can accomodate cardboard egg flats turned vertically (so the frass falls out).
I've been using a large bin from walmart for a couple years. I...
Thanks guys for the input!
Perryny- I am not afraid when handling him in terms of him causing injury to me. I am using a pair of light gardening gloves, so if he does bite, it doesn't hurt. That said, I am nervous of him injuring himself by running/ jumping / falling. I've had him take a...
Thanks for the advice guys. I will have to look for a suitable plant to try that method...I don't have any "trees" only short bush-like plants which are not tall enough to access from his cage.
I have tried hand-feeding, but he runs and hides whenever he sees me, so that is not working out...
I wish that I could, but I live in GA and we get temps in the mid-high 90's... So I am afraid to leave him out in it all the time, I've been leaving him out for 2-4 hours during the day and checking his water supply (a simple dripper) every 45 minutes or so. Also, his outdoor setup is only a...
This is the tray I purchased to go in my XL reptibreeze. It fits perfectly. It is about 3" tall... apparently, there is a 6" tall version they have in the UK, but not available here in the US... If it was, I'd use it to do a bio-active setup. For now, this is sitting in the base of my...
Hi guys,
Last week, I setup the outdoor screen cage for my veiled chameleon so that he can get some sun. This, unfortunately, means that I have to move him between cages. I have attempted this twice and on both occasions he totally freaks out and will deliberately run / jump / fall off the...
Thank you! He seems to be eating well and moving around his enclosure, but is still terrified of me (will hide if I look at him, etc.). I am setting up his outdoor enclosure this weekend and am hoping to start moving him into it next week. I am also getting in an order of hornworms and BSFL...
I have done a lot of reading here on the forums and searching Google, but am still having a hard time settling on a supplementation schedule for my new chameleon.
The facts:
Chameleon: ~6 month old male veiled
The supplements I have available to me: calcium w/o D3, zoomed calcium w/ D3, and...
Thanks! Yeah, it really depends on where you get them from. There is a garg group on FB that you can join and if you post, saying something like "looking for retic garg in price range x" then you may get some offers. Mine were between $150 -$300 (including shipping) and I'm happier with the...
Sure.. i don't take a lot of pics, but will post a few below. :)
Here is a gargoyle
My 2 pacmen, although they are larger now
My BTS, Quincy
A couple terrarium bulbs
My PVC cage stack.. It isn't a very good pic at all, but the skink enclosure is the one on top with the heat lamp. The...
My pacman frogs, at only a little over 100g, will take 2-3 adult male dubia per feeding. Also, I have a blue tongue skink and he LOVES dubia...But he lives in a 4'x2' pvc cage (I've heard of people housing them in CB70 tubs before). *maybe* a pink tongue skink...I think you could house one in...
Is it always dark in the closet they are in? I've found my dubia won't eat / come out unless in complete darkness. Also, are the oranges and other fruits / veggies you are feeding organic? I ask because I once gave non organic oranges and even when rinsed, the bugs wouldn't touch them until I...
Hello all,
I got my veiled chameleon in the mail on Tuesday... I managed to find an ~6 month-old male fro ma small breeder and have been very happy with the little guy. He has been stressed out and has just shown his normal coloration today... Probably helped by me adding coroplast to 3 sides...
broderp- Thank you! I love that the timer you linked has a battery backup. I am still on the fence with which misting system I will go with... I should have a better idea after I see where the humidity levels in my cage rest after setting it up.
Hello all,
I will be getting my male veiled shipped next Thursday and want to have a selection of feeders ready to go when he arrives. I already have dubia, but want to also get some superworms and hornworms to start with. Locally, I have very few options for feeders so I'd like to order...
How DO you sex orange heads? Curious as I'm thinking of starting a colony... My dubia are easy to sex and I'd assume the same ratio of m/f would work for orange heads as dubia (I keep my dubia in a 1:6-8 ratio.
Also, pacman frogs / pixie frogs are good eaters of adult roaches. My pacman frog...
I know ghostwood comes from CA... I have ordered 36" pieces from NEHERP but it ain't cheap. The big branches I'm using came from an oak tree in our yard that dropped a branch. Do you know anyone that has wooded land that would let you look for branches?
I know some snake keepers make gyms...
Dubias will go under things and / or bury themselves. I feed them and have never had an issue... That said, you can place fruit in a shallow tray and leave it near the bottom of the tank... Wait for the lights to have been out for an hour or so and check to see if the dubia are out feeding...
Thanks guys!
I haven't made up my mind yet on which system to go with. I would only be using it for one cage and was considering a monsoon mainly due to the included water reservoir. I know that system has issues, but from what I've read, those issues are with the timer that is included with...