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  1. Vytas

    enclousure poludarium

    But when you sink about water at the bottom would keep humidity in the enclosure.
  2. Vytas

    enclousure poludarium

    Poludarium enclosure for chameleons is good or bad, how friendly they are with the fish? It would be only about 4 or5 inches deep in the one corner.
  3. Vytas

    buying a chamelion

  4. Vytas

    buying a chamelion

    What would cost me to get a pair off them for breeding
  5. Vytas

    buying a chamelion

    Hello guys. I'm based in Ireland. Currently have a veiled chamelio. Making now my custum cage and looking to get another one. Prefer panda chamelion. Where would you recommend to buy, and how they survive wile they in the post time?
  6. Vytas


    Hi there, I'm new on this site, and want to ask is it normal what my chamelion some time breathing open mouth? And why?
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