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  1. L

    Outdoor heating

    Thanks for the informative reply! I live in the San Fernando Valley area (North Hollywood). Covering the top third will be very easy. Would you suggest providing some type of heat source? Or should they be fine as long as they aren't cold and wet?
  2. L

    Outdoor heating

    Hi all. I have a nice outdoor cage for my veiled chameleons. It is all screen (top is covered from rain), 8' tall 5'x4'. Right now there is a male and female together, which I monitor often. I live in Southern California and as the winter months are approaching, I would like to try to keep...
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    New cage is finally here!

    Dang, that's a mighty fine cage!!
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    best roach. I just got 100 (actually closer to 130 arrived) dubia from for ~$50 total including shipping. There was a great distribution from small nymphs to ready to breed adults. This is a great beginning colony! Check them out. It's the...
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    Mating - Panther/Veiled?

    Egg update Hey, any updates on these eggs??
  6. L

    Introducing new food

    When I first had my Jackson's, he got picky for a little while. Part of it was that I needed to increase his drinking times. I think he was getting into early dehydration stages. I was gone over the weekends and wasn't able to spray as often as needed. I installed an automatic mister and it...
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    Introducing new food

    My wife's starting on her graduate degree in entomology this Fall. She's my bug girl, lol. Your colonies are great! Thank you very much for sharing! I'd love to see the springtails. I have a cricket colony starting out, possibly some silkworms (since the mulberry trees have lots of leaves...
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    That's excellent. Definitely make sure the cage is set up and stable before getting the chameleon.
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    Awesome! Make sure you post pics.
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    i need images of chameleon cages please!

    Hi there. Here's Rex's cage. There are two lamps above. The one on the left is a ceramic heater for night time and the one on the right is a mercury vapor bulb. There is a full spectrum light in the light stand. That's for the hibiscus plant inside the cage and the other plants on the stand...
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    shipping should okay If the animal is captive bred, it should be fine. It is generally the wild caught animals that get the worst out of shipping. Their parasite load can increase greatly in that small amount of time. Find a breeder that will ship overnight and has a good arrival guarantee...
  12. L

    best type of chameleon?

    jacksons My first and (only so far) chameleon is a captive bred Jackson's (jacksonii xantholophus). He is a year old now. The only problem I nearly faced was possible symptoms to early dehydration, as the months got warmer and I was gone over the weekends. They need to have access to moving...
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