she just tried to go to the bathroom and blood came out and her dropping was longer than usual. I will dust her food more but i need to get her eating again. how would i know if she was laying eggs?
Your Chameleon - Female Veiled Chameleon, 5 months old. In my care for 1 month
Handling - at most once a week
Feeding - Meal worms Wax worms and Crickets. She never eats more than 3 or 4 of them
she eats in the morning or around 5 pm. I give the bugs apples, romaine lettuce, carrots,kale or...
Hi im a new owner of a 5 month old veiled Chameleon. I've had her for 1 month now and so far she was doing just fine.
Last week she took a fall off of a ledge on to the floor about 3 to 4 ft up, landed on her stomach or at least I think she did. I was so scared she broke something or got hurt...