Not sure what you mean. I’m talking about a mist water reservoir that people use in many different forms and fashions. A UV-C sterilizing light will actively prevent anything from growing in this container, the light kills bacterias and molds that would grow inside a container. That is literally...
There are only 2 companies that produce enclosures big enough specifically with chameleons in mind. That is Dragonstrand which makes one that is 4x4x2
and Tamura Designs, who has a 4x4x2 format but also can build larger custom enclosures.
past that most make their own enclosures that I’ve...
You definitely do not want to run the fogger during the daytime. Most will say it can cause a URI with the increased daytime temps but it does not work alone, sanitation and airflow is a large part of the equation but for keeping things simple I would urge to not fog during the daytime.
Martha I don’t have the v3 so I’m not positive but it sounds like the light you are referring to is the status light, this can be turned off in the advanced settings. See photos.
Have you tried free ranging some crickets. Some chameleons do not like to eat from cups or bowls etc. and prefer to hunt. What size are you offering him? Or are you only offering the bsfl?
Don’t envy whatever part of town you live in heh. But this is south TX and a generator is a must have piece of equipment IMO. I’d have been all over my power company pretty much hourly for crap like that.
and I’m aware of the storm bud, I’m 2 hours south of Houston.
Weeks is a bit of a stretch unless a hurricane hits. A freeze, not likely to be more than a day or so I’d imagine at the most. More likely just a few hours max.
A couple of my Parsonii that will eat these will chew like they do most of their feeders, interesting study though and now it does make me wonder if the chewing they do is mashing them enough.
Nice find @kinyonga