Yeah man, I used a 5-10gallon aquarium heater for my Chams misting res, which was also a bucket, works great..I'd try to get one that automatically shuts down with absence of water though, cause this event would cause "burning" alternatively you could just refill before water at the 3/4ths...
What's up dude, I'm from Gainesville va...can't help you with pet shops, but I do highly recommend Stahl Exotic Animal Vet Services might be a ways from you, but well worth it...
How does he look to you guys?? Don't have to much info on him other than hes obviously a juvenile and that the person I am may be getting him form bought him from a breeder..I'm looking to "adopt" him for about $55.. The owner said "its very expensive because it changes to red color and bluish...
Hello there..Can anybody recommend a reputable Captive breeder of either Montiums or Quadricornis?? My panther passed away like 4 months ago, but I miss caring for a chameleon and was looking forward to caring for a sailfin..Any help greatly appreciated...
Thank you for all the kind words, I really do appreciate it..As I said, it was hard work, and definitly time consuming but I did actually enjoy doing it...So, I had a thought, well actually 2 thoughts..
#1 Would anyone be willing to "donate" their deceased Chams for further mounts I'd work on...
Maxttu: thank you sir, it's much appreciated..
Eltortu: lol, no smell at all.
dbford88: thank you as well...hours??? Gee whizz, I couldn't tell you...let's say alot...but not as many as you'd think..wish I'd a filmed the process, would have been pretty cool..
All That Remains..... (Mambo's Mounted Skeleton)
So it's been about roughly 4 months since I had to euthanize my dear Mambo (Panther Chameleon Am)..Had him for four years...Rather than burying him I decided to preserve and articulate his bones. And after four months of working on him on and off...
Thanx Cam..
1)Yes plenty of heat for digestion after eating. I place him under two lamps( I coax him into eating by begining with a mealworm then continually stuffing his mouth with crickets as hes finalizes his chewing)
2) No fecal analysis yet, didint seems as much of a rush...
Okay so my problems continue...I did the obvious responsable thing and took my Panther Cham to the vet...She drew blood and found "white blood cells are dark and shrunken" Condition often seen with infection (bacterial and/or fungal) or organ congestion...Calcium levels which would have been my...
Thanx for the additional info carol,,I reall appreciate it..So here are two photos..One of his enclosure ( Its nothing remarkble, but its what I have)...And the second is of him (Mambo) hes actually sleeping upside down...It seems like he dosent have the energy to ever sleep upright anymore??He...
Ssimss: will look into this...only have one heat lamp at the moment,,could add ceramic lamp,which I do have...the high on the top left of his enclosure would be at about 80-85 degrees. But obviously, just in that immediate area...and it has been getting pretty cold lately, but never had this...
Camimom: overdose? Twice a month? Wow!! Only been following what the seller told me to do...for four years now!! So rep ashy only two times a month?and the rest of the time just crickets/no supplements correct? I mean he's been on this regemine since I've had him....maybe it's finally catching...