Same with my veiled the first pic he sat holding my bangs for a good 30-45 mins and the second pic we were literally playing tug of war with my hair I was like Nahh dude, it's time to go BACK in the cage lol
So this was something I stumbled upon.. Not my post in any way shape or form, but someone on another forum that I'm on posted this..
"The last of the hornworms i bought a week or so ago. The last time i gave Joey and Zoey one, Zoey's bit her lip and Joey's had his last sticky foot stuck to...
Honestly they didn't know anything! They sold us a fish that after researching it I'm 99% certain is a bullhead and we're going to have to release it when it gets bigger.. She was trying to google it on her phone and said it was some other kind of catfish that 'wouldn't get big'. IDK it was...
Ahh yeah, if he was mine I would offer more, but honestly I am not sure.. It just kinda freaked me out I was like ahh! I don't want that to happen to my Yoshi.. Like his eye turret was completely inside his head, it was pretty freaky..
So today the s/o and I went to a few petstores and I saw an adult male veiled and his eye turrets were super sunken in.. I wasn't going to buy him, but I was just curious, is this a health issue or a vitamin deficiency, or maybe it was an older chameleon and it's similar to horses where that...
Mine repeatedly licked the metal washer that holds one of his basking perches in place, I figured he saw his shadow moving on it and he's greedy so instantly thought 'FOOD'
Wow they are beautiful as is the cage! Their colors are so pretty and I love the females pattern :) How old are they? If you already said previously on the thread and I missed it, I apologize lol
Yoshi hasn't been affected by any colors, hair or clothes, but he's been relatively bomb-proof about EVERYTHING he's come across aside from being hangry occasionally haha
Oh Heyy girllll! Haha and yeah they show no mercy lol my friends literally come over to watch him eat I have a little dish that looks like a leaf for him.. The boyfriend and I were just talking and joking about how we think he's lazy because he doesn't like to hunt, he likes to eat out of the...
I've never had an issue with hornworms, I saw an article like that as well, but I usually watch my Yoshi eat anyways, so I'd know right away if he's had any issues eating them.. :)
So.. This is little Yoshi's growth spurts :) the first picture was on the way home with him, around 3 months old, the next is 4 months and the third is 5 months. The next three are 7, 8, and 10-11 months old.. I feel like he gets more color everyday :) also, on a side note, he's obsessed...