I hope I eased your passage into the next world. I hope that my loving and caring for you did more than I think it did. I hope you can find peace in another life and I hope you forgive me for not being able to help you and all the mistake I made. I hope I can forgive myself. Zenji I hope we can...
Okay everyone. I’m not quite sure yet if he’s passed away but I believe he has. I’m sitting close to his box watching him. No movements, not even when I touch him or move his arms. I don’t know if there rigor Mortis yet as he is still movable. He still has green and yellow coloring so I just...
I am going to stop forcing water in him because his urates are now runny and white and I think that means he’s extra hydrated right? I also am worried he may have inhaled some of the water but he’s been okay for a day so I’ve just been watching carefully. But I don’t want to try anymore.
Update on Zenji, got him to eat 4 hornworms today with the last two a little tricking was used when he opened his mouth. Got him some water. Hoping to help him put some weight on and stay hydrated and recover from this terrible illness he’s had.
I know this is a thread from a while ago but how long should you hold the head down? I was worried my guy had aspirated and held him upside down for about 10-15 seconds and nothing happened. He was just angry
Even though he’s still in his hospital box tonight, his new home is almost complete with all the things he’ll need. I’m just waiting on the screen enclosure and honestly might wait until his health has mostly returned to stick him in there.
I just wish I would have known I was harming him. I also should have been feeding him more but I’m glad I can fix things now and hopefully nurse him back to health. I really hope I can bring him out of the woods.
The ‘blood’ was in the stool part not the urates and it was mucousy like blood I believe. I’m just confused because his last came back negative but maybe I didn’t get the sample in quick enough the first time
Yes he pooped today too. Might’ve had some blood in it but last time I took his poop in for a fecal it came back negative. I would take this one in but no ones open today so I have it in a ziplock in the fridge.
I hope this isn’t all my fault. I thought I was doing the right things for him but I probably messed up somewhere along the time I had him. I’m trying my hardest to help him and I hope it’s enough.
He is looking much better than he did yesterday thank goodness. He is staying hydrated and I got some nice white urates today. He won’t eat although I will keep trying. And there are no vets open today that are exotic but I don’t trust them anyway, my vet said he wasn’t really sure what to do...