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  1. Garythecinnamonroll

    Gary’s eye

    Your Chameleon - Amibole Panther Chameleon, Male, 6-8 months. He’s been in my care for 2 months. Handling - Whenever he wants to (climbs onto my hand on his own) which is about every other day. Feeding - Crickets, and super worms. 12 Crickets a day. I feed him every day. I give the crickets...
  2. Garythecinnamonroll

    Gary’s eye is still having issues

    Another picture of his eye
  3. Garythecinnamonroll

    Gary’s eye is still having issues

    Your Chameleon - Amibole Panther Chameleon, Male, 6-8 months. He’s been in my care for 1 month. Handling - Whenever he wants to (climbs onto my hand on his own for example if I’m trying to feed him) which is about every other day. Feeding - Crickets, and super worms. 12 Crickets a day. I feed...
  4. Garythecinnamonroll

    How do I make my chameleon comfortable with my hand?

    I have a little tree thing that I will get them to crawl out on at first if they are being difficult.
  5. Garythecinnamonroll

    Exo Terra Drainage Help.

    For my terrarium on the very bottom I have hydro balls. They are little clay balls I bought at my local pet store. Then I have a layer of mesh. This separates the dirt from the water/clay ball so the water in the bottom does not get muddy. You don’t want the water to be muddy because if you have...
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