Also when misting should I try to get
The black spec on her eyelid was still there but I gave her an extra long misting today and it seems so be getting a little better, I am still worried about the black spot and weather she is able to get it off
It is 11:12 exactly in this picture and I’m almost 100 percent sure she was asleep, also her uvb was turned off but her night time light has sort of a black light glo
Yes she drinks every single time I mist her enclosure which is approximately 4-5 times a day and then I have a humidifier running at night to maintain the humidity levels
I just got home from work and noticed something on my Chams eye that looks like it’s irritating her. She is asleep but her eye is not fully closed and it looks like a black spec right next to her eye. I didn’t notice it before tonight and I am concerned. Can anyone identify this and how I may go...
I have about a 6-7 month old female veiled and no matter what we try we can’t get her out of her enclosure. I have tried to use branches, my hands and ropes and she always rears away and hisses as well as turning very deep stress colors. We are moving extremely slow when trying to get her but...