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  1. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    I'm buying the liquid calcium, anything else you recommend?
  2. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    Would either one of these off amazon work?
  3. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    He's never grabbed his face but he often grabs his other limbs and doesn't realize what's happening and can't move
  4. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    How do I begin to fix it?
  5. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

  6. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    If there's a large amount of live food, he eats very slow and they tend to die. How do I keep them alive?
  7. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    I did take it to the vet and she said it was not an infection.
  8. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    this is the "scabbed" eye before it was cleaned
  9. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

  10. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    His enclosure has a bottom section but the vet suggested that i put a box under it since he wont climb to get him closer to his lamps.
  11. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    working on it.
  12. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    I never thought about that but when she picked him up she seemed comfortable handling him, although that doesn't mean she knows in deatil about chams. Good point
  13. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    What do you suggest for food? The closest pet store is 30 min from where I live and they are always on a shortage of crickets.
  14. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    it was black but the vet pulled it off and it was eye booger like and she cleaned it and it look good as new after that until last night and it looked like that eye had gone blind.
  15. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    I'm working on uploading a few photos of his cage and etc.
  16. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    Don't you think if he had mbd the vet would have recognized it and diagnosed him? I will definitely take the advice though.
  17. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    I filled out the forum and posted below.
  18. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    Your Chameleon – Veiled chameleon, Male, 1.5 years old, he’s been in my care since he was about 2-3 months old. Handling – Hardly ever, he is very aggressive and I hate to see him upset and stressed out when I try to handle him. He once even fell from his foliage while I was trying to get him...
  19. Hheaster1

    Sick veiled cham *URGENT*

    my chameleon is 1.5 years old. About 3 weeks ago he stops climbing and just stayed on the floor of his enclosure. He stopped eating/drinking as much but there were no other visible signs of sickness. He was still eating just less. He hasn’t pooped in a while. I just noticed yesterday his...
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