Thanks. Yes it was kinda hard. I buried him I may try to look. Seen another chameleon with the same thing in this thread
This was taken Feb 15. Now that I think of it he has been eating a little less. I was feeding him around 5 to 7 med size crickets and went down to 4 to 5 the past couple weeks.
Ya I didnt want to cut him open but I don't want to get another chamelaon without knowing what happened to him. I seen many other threads where this was done and an article encouraging this.
I don't know a much about necropsy. Just seen a few pictures. Hard to cut open my pet but I wanted to know what happened to him. I'm not a pro my far. Do you guys have any ideas from the pictures what could have happened? I'm thinking he fell.
This is him yesterday
Found him on the bottom of...