They gave me antibiotics in the form of eye drops. I gave it to her daily for 2 weeks. Didn’t see any improvements. They said if that doesn’t work then I should take her back in and they will cut it open, do a biopsy and then medicate accordingly. However the vet said all of this could cost...
My chameleon has had this bump growing on her face towards her right eye. I took her to the vet an exotics vet a few months ago and they gave her eye drops and antibiotics. They said if these don’t help, the next step is to cut it open and do a biopsy and then medicate from there, which they...
Good to know! I hadn’t heard the term gaping before. So if I see her mouth open while she is basking outside, is that okay/normal? Or does it mean she is too hot and I need to take her inside?
I just spoke with a vet on the phone, I will be making an appointment to get her checked out! Side note, after asking about the husbandry of my cage and her lifestyle, the vet mentioned that I should be letting my chameleon outside to soak in the UVB. Is this something you guys do? Bring your...
That makes sense! I will look for an exotic vet in the area ASAP! Any idea how they will help her? Or what the Vet cost would be roughly? This will be my first time taking her in.
I suspect she will lay eggs soon. I have her lay bin all set up in her cage. This would be her second clutch of eggs. Both eyes used to shut all of the way when closed, but recently it seems there is crust in the right eye not allowing her to shut it all of the way.
My Cham’s right eye is having some issues. She also has a bump on her head near her right eye ish, I tried to capture it in a photo. I don’t know what it is or if it’s normal? But her eye when she shuts it or sleeps, doesn’t shut all the way. See the second photo attached. I have been giving her...
This was her first clutch and she lai 59 eggs, I was so shocked all of that came out of her little body!!! Will her clutches stay around this size every 90 days she lays?
I have had her since october when she was very small, she has not mated so these are infertile eggs. I do not plan on mating her ever, I was just curious!
How long will she lay eggs even if she is not mating with another cham?
So Bob is free range? that is awesome that he is so friendly! My...
How often do you handle your male cham? Just curious because I love spending time with my girlie :)
Yes, I dug the eggs out this morning! She had a clutch of 59 eggs, I was shocked!! How do I know if they are fertile?
I took the lay bin out and put in a big plant. My cham is 8 months old and...