Don’t panic just make sure you so it soon and take some of your down time to acquaint yourself with this forum, like I said I have learned soooooo much, things I never even thought of! From gutloading your feeders to correct lighting! You are in the right place !
If you type laying bin into the search bar you will find tons of acceptable ways to prepare a proper laying bin. You want dirt or sand to lay in with no fertilizers or treated pesticides. There’s a lot to it, but she can indeed become egg bound and become very sick and potentially die. I’m new...
Here are some of the pictures of the china cabinet I am interested in. The dimensions are listed on the first photo. I would pair this giant with a the Arcadia quad light system. (Last Pic)
Sorry to impede into this thread. . I just really want to get started and its nice to have people that have experience and are going through the same process.
I feel like a cool draining system could be holes sawed into the size of the pots of the plants I want to use, and the pot will hang on and be secured into the hole by the "lip" of the pot. Then to drill holes in the pot and have a pan/bowl to catch the water. Do you guys think that is doable...
I could use your experience and guidance! Im clueless but think I've found a piece similar to this that I want to use and refurbish... again FOLLOWING THIS THREAD>
I was just talking about doing this project as well with my honey. It looks like an awesome piece to make an awesome enclosure! Cant wait to see the progress.
UPDATE: (sorry if you don't like blog posts but I like documenting our story :)
Well, as many of us already know, the path to a "healthy" chameleon can be a long one. With that said the first step is always the hardest...Monday was vet day and it was I a cold one. It took me an hour to warm up...