In southeast GA we have the
Ya we late as hell!! Seeing someone contemplating feeding a lubber to a cham causes an urgent knee jerk reaction!! "NOOOOOOOO!!" perfectly put
DO NOT FEED TO ANYTHING!! I know this is from years ago, I just wanted to ask if you gave the lubber to your cham? I hope not. I'm 99% positive they are very toxic. The only bird that eats them does so by pinning them to a fence or sharp post and allowing the toxins to dry out for 24 hours or...
Hey, I am sorry that your buddy is not doing well. I see alot of people have chimed in with good advice, I agree you should
Replace the lights if you haven't yet, 10 months seems a bit long, I've always heard you need to get new bulbs at 6 months. I recently had to replace a uvb after just 4...
I am in the process of building an XL chameleon enclosure, either entirely from scratch, or by modifying a shelf unit, chicken coops, China cabinet, etc.
I have been leaning more toward building own from scratch, as I already have 4, 7ft tall wood posts (from an old bed set) and plan on using...
Meet Reggie, an anole I found 2 years ago as a hatchling, due to her tiny size and how she didn't even try to run from me as she sat out in the open, I decided her chance of being eaten was very high, and bringing her inside to be loved was a humane decision. She is fed all the live insects her...
Because these aren't exactly of chameleons, but just beautiful creatures in general, I will start with an anole, also dubbed the "American Chameleon" because it changes from browns to greens to depict its mood.
I found this anole yesterday after saving it from a cat, I must say this is the...
Hey! I'm not entirely sure what kind of pillars you are breeding, but I do love me some caterpillars and cocoons!! If you are worried the cocoons will be damaged staying inside the bin they are in currently, you should be able to slowly move them to another right away. Just make sure to go slow...
I've found 2 vets in Atlanta that I will use for my scaley friends from now on, Brad Wilson (recommended by Jannb on this site) and a Keith Contravio? That comes recommended from another forum on reptile and herp babies. Each are in Marietta (atlanta) a little shy of 2 hours from my house, 1 and...
Congrats!! Lucky lady I'm glad you've saved her. I would get a fecal done just to make sure nothing is lurking. My baby started closing her eyes alot during the day a week ago and sadly passed away last night from a bacteria thing in her belly. Getting a fecal sooner would have saved her life...
Hello, I know this is a couple months ago, but i just went through something very similar. I had a healthy happy Veiled female, I did my best to assure her environment was the best, and living in Georgia I frequent took her outside for natural sun and heat, it is naturally humid here, especially...
Nice!! I was following your thread because I too am interested in building a custom habitat. When you mentioned building the wall my mind started running boy! Lol and this is exactly what I imagined!! But I have never built a wall with cliffs like this, what is that opaque substance you used to...