thankyou sandrachameleon for understanding my question, im glad some of you could help and answer me. Although i have a cham and have kept other lizards before, i dont confess to know everything and beleive no-one does or can, but useing a forum as this is what they are here for can get many...
ok guys, thanks alot, ill give that a miss then, and syn im very much aware that they are 2 DIFFERENT kind of creatures, but advice from others is always better to get than relying on the comments of one person
Thanks again for all your comments
Hi all, i have a cham and at the moment am feeding him locus aswell as other things, but what i want to know is instead of feeding the locus veg ive been told about feeding them fish flakes, has anyone tried this or know anything about it, the person who told me has a dragon and he does this...
hi there, yes his temps are all fine, im using 4 thermometers, 2 are digital, ive checked on him today and he is back to his normal lovely bright green, thankyou all for your coments
Hello All
Just wondering if anyone can answer my question????
We have a veiled Chameleon, and have recently put him into a new viv (bigger) and have noticed a colour change in him. Would this be because of the change in enviroment? He used to be a real bright Green, and now seems to...
Im picking up a new viv for my cham tonight and need to transfer everything over, so my quistion is..... How long is safe to leave the cham out of his viv
Cheers all
Hi all, does anyone on here have a good website or know a place in the essex area where i can buy some nice wood for my cham viv, its the wood for him to climb on, i cant find any good bits anywhere, yet when i go to reptile shops they have some real nice curved bits in there but not for sale...
yes i do, ive redone his viv today and put a mix of live plants and fake in, taken out the wood chips on the bottom, installed more temp gauges and humidity gauges in
Thanks for your reply, right the temperature is different all over the viv, i at the moment use 4 temp gauges in different places and the hottest place is about 25.5c and the coolest about 19c, at the moment my humidity gauge is not working and will be replaced tomorrow.I only mist at the moment...
Thank you for that, will have a read through it.
Also have now filled in the State/country bit, sorry about that, as you can see i am new to the site.
Thank you again
Right... This may be a long one but any help would be great
I have a 14 week old cham, at the mo he is in an all glass viv with a uv light and a heat bulb, temp is at about 80 during the day and 70 odd over night, He eats crickets at the mo that are fed on freshh veg 24 hours before giving to...