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  1. Steven Scott

    veggies for veiled?!

    Thanks I'll have to try blueberries and sweet potatoes my chameleon doesn't like much in line of veggies I'm not for sure how healthy cilantro is or scallions for that matter but mine likes both I don't know how healthy veggies are but it might help their digestive system I believe in for the...
  2. Steven Scott

    veggies for veiled?!

    I haven't had much luck with any veggies or fruits but I don't know if they're healthy or not I've had luck my veiled Cham liking cilantro and scallions so far wish me luck on other things I still haven't tried collard greens but I have tried turnip greens mustard greens kale apples bananas an...
  3. Steven Scott

    As a first time Chameleon owner, am I doing okay?

    Nice-looking Cham I don't have advice with your handling it too much or not I Hill mine twice a day normally trying to get it used to me either being upset as I see a lot of owners chams are here's an image of mine I don't know how old is couple of months I said I got it from a pet store just...
  4. Steven Scott

    Cage To Big or Wrong Location of Food Dish

    And my chameleons for roughly three weeks his name is lenford he loves cilantro cricket and collard greens and he'll eat mealworms and kale I just wishes colors would show more any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Steven Scott

    Cage To Big or Wrong Location of Food Dish

    I'm pretty new at chameleon owning but I got a 30 by 16 by 16 cage and I have him range feeding because he won't eat by hand had to force feed him the first damealworms but then the next day he was range feeling he ate 12 crickets in 20 minutes I only ate two mealworms that day and only one the...
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