Hey everyone... I still havent gotten him to eat on his own. He just finished up all his meds and has been eating carnivore care and bug juice only by syringe. Im calling my vet tomorrow to see where to go from here. Also Disinfected everything again.
I already replaced the plants and plant soil
with miracle grow organic. If you have any suggestions on a better soil lmk. Might be easier to just replace them weekly until parasites are gone. I can get pothos and umbrella plants at my local Home depot for 5-10$...
Also had a question about disinfecting. I replaced all the branches and plants but how do you all go about disinfecting plants and what not. And how often should i be doing a full disinfect.
Starting to seem much more like himself. He actually has the energy to try and bite me now. He has always been a pistol and the past week he wouldnt even react to me handling him. So that must mean hes feeling some what better. Both eyes are always open and no sleeping during the day anymore...
Hes getting way more active and basking a lot more now. Has been drinking a bunch but still wont eat on his own. He seems much better than he did on Monday.
I just completely re did and disinfected his cage because of the protozoa. I made a drainage system that works great and fully dries out after each misting session. Hoping the carnivore care can give him the energy he needs to eat on his own. This is definitely the most active hes been for the...
Hes seemed to perk up quite a bit today and his eye is looking much better. Still refusing food but drinking good... Got some carnivore care in his system also.
Called my vet and She wants him
on the same medication. Shes gonna give some carnivore care temporarily to see if he can perk up and maybe eat on his own. Disinfected entire cage, got all new plants and branches also.
Im gonna do it while he drinks and slowly drop
it on his tongue. I know where the trachea is and have been administiring his meds to him. Ive had panthers in the past and had to give meds to one of my big males, so im fairly familiar with it... He lived to be 6 years old. Hoping this guy can...
Well im gonna make bug juice with some calcium and vitamins in it tomorrow to get him some nutrients. He hasnt had a good meal
in about two weeks now. Also gonna call
my vet and see what she has to say... Thank you for the advice