Yes I went to the vent!! They made an x-ray... no eggs left.. she was a bit tired and dihidrathed I my heating lamp needs more voltage
Now she is way better
Great advice from everyone!!! @cruz.m a special thank you to you....
"Albahaca" is fine, she has no eggs left and was just stressed for the laying... i also need to make some changes on her enclosure so she can be more comfortable
Thank you again!!!!
I love this forums
Hiiii!! Again... here is the photo of the eggs.. 37!!!
I prepared her soil again and covered her encounter... i don’t know if I should wait to take her to the vet or do it already??
Perfect! i will do that then... she did not see me while laying the eggs, i saw everything when she was asleep :(...
i will clean it and count the eggs... and prepare the laying bin again 😓
@cruz.m So should i clean the eggs get rid of the substrate and place the soil on the ground?? (the first time i did the hole and prepared the soil but she never touched then i moved it around, that is when she laid the eggs on the subtract. there where no distractions i think she had...
Thank you!!! first thing tomorrow ill take her to the vet!!! For the soil i made a mixture of play sand and exo terra soil which i read it was the best option and yes it is dry i did not know if i could move around her eggs... i just sprayed on top so she could drink water
ill take a good...
Hellooo!!!! please helpp
I got "Albi" on march 2020 when she was 3 months old (supposedly)...
And yesterday she laid eggs for the first time 😲 (long time after). i had been worried for a long time since she had been digging holes on the ground (3 months ago), but never laid anything...
i made...
Doesn't bare floor affect on humidity? Isn’t it makes it dry?
And about the plants I want to get a real tree for her new enclousure or live plants I just need to find the ones that are better for her ? it is a hard job being a mother and home designer jeje
This is her now in her enclosure ... I just got a bigger one but I haven’t set it up
I just don’t understand her colors if she has been in this enclosure for a while
So here it is!! Albahaca’s new enclosure!! ?? it is pretty big
I still haven’t set it up because I need to figure out how should I.... if I need a new light or a misting machine for water... more plants ??it is hard ??♀️